On the 30th of October I mentioned that we were making the folks a veggie garden. On the 1st of November I took some pics and today I took a few more to show you the progress, it's unbelievable what you can do in 2 months with this kind of heat...

As you can see there's not much happening yet, a few sticks with labels and a dusting of green bits are just starting to show.

A bit of sun and rain later and all of a sudden there was a plethora of green to be seen. Man it's so good to be eating fresh herbs, it's so hard to beat a cheese and tomato sandwich with fresh basil.

We also built a wooden tepee with washed up wood found on the beach and planted beans and peas underneath it.

Needless to say, they love the sun and rain too.

We also planted some radish and they're...

... super colourful and bursting with flavour.

Another thing we made from recycled beach wood was a climbing wall for tomatoes and cucumbers. Just in front of the climbing wall we also planted loads of lettuce and spinach. Popeye would be proud!

Look, the tomatoes and cucumbers still have a way to go but we've already had the pleasure of munching on the freshest; herbs, beans, peas, radish, lettuce, spinach and some potatoes that sadly didn't even make it to the second photo shoot. Highly enjoyable and so easy to do, I urge you to grow some veg of your own too, it's a must for anyone's new year resolution!

Woopsie, I almost forgot to mention... Props to the fantastic, but not so tough guard dog Jafta, for keeping a close eye on the veggie garden and shying away those pesky moles.